Friday, February 4, 2011

periodic type

I can still remember that 'light bulb' moment, in my school boy days, when the Chemistry teacher revealed the "Period Table of Elements" (writes Peter).

Ping! Now I understood why metal rusted and plastic didn't. That Krypton really existed. And Copper, Silver and Gold all looked shiny because they were related.

As it turned out chemicals never featured much in my working life. But typefaces did and became an obsession.

Sadly, I started to notice how over the past few years my interest in typefaces has blurred. I've changed from highly opinionated to confused when it comes to choice. Maybe too much time spent with default browser fonts combined with less and less work in printed graphics? (I've not smelt printing ink for ages.)

I'd come to accept my 'typeface compass' had broken. Like computer music loops, own brand cereal packs and reasonably priced cars - they'd all started to sound and look the same. Maybe time for an overdue 'light bulb' moment?

Queue my discovery of the truly remarkable, absorbing, fascinating and unbelievably clever "Periodic Table of Typefaces".

Ping! Now I rediscovered why Helvetica is a truly elemental typeface. And why Gotham and Trajan are unlikely to react well together. Or why Baskerville, Garamond or Caslon are worth considering for typesetting novels or reference books.

However, I have noticed that there's one highly explosive, dangerous, and volatile typeface which hasn't made the table. I'm pleased. Bye bye Comic Sans !

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